Your  Ancestry  Photos

For best results, read about the site first.  But for a quick search, put "Your Ancestry Photos" in the Search Bar (in quotation marks) along

with the Surname you are interested in.       The places that name appears on all of these sites, will show at the bottom of the results.

Military and Troop Photos

Military and Troop Photos


Three military men from the Crawford Family


Walter Crawford ----- in uniform ----- Sweet Spring, Missouri


Gordon Crawford ---------------------- Sweet Spring, Missouri


J. W. Crawford -------- Civil War Soldier --- Denver, Colorado






Schenck Military Family


A. D. Schenck U.S.A. in very fancy dress military uniform with sword


in a photo taken in San Francisco, California




Carpon Schenck U.S.Navy in full uniform in a Bradley photograph


probably taken in San Francisco, California


these 2 photos are placed in Schenck Family Group Pg 18





Civil War Soldier in Uniform during the war


John M.


Sue V. Klein


Lancaster, Pa.


H. E. Kaufman


Jordan, Illinois






Two Photocards of the Iowa Soldiers Home in Marshalltown, Iowa 

Iowa Soldiers Home in Marshalltown, Iowa in 1897

With photographs of 10 buildings identified


Iowa Soldiers Home in Marshalltown, Iowa. It is in a professional drawing on a cabinet card

by Webster of Des Moines. This one is from the days before photography when Col. Milo Smith

was the Commandant and B. Ebhart was the Quartermaster.



Evert Cross in a US Navy uniform in a photo taken by the Navy in Brooklyn, New York




Army Camp in Ohio


 Two snapshots of Camp Willis near Columbus, Ohio


- Company D - 8th Ohio during what must be W W I.




Oct. 1917 Officers & Servicemen


30 men at attention in front of the barracks.


One the back it says:


" ___ group to go to Houston Texas ____ Snyers __eve (Steve?) Walsh"




1941 Officers Unite & Ex-Servicemen


Another more recent photo,

this picture features the following men:

Louis Fellander, Holgan Coyne, Elmer Sentney,

Elmer Jarris, Walter Ahlering, Edward L. Bybee,

William Turner, A. J. Leuderalbert and T.L.Baxter



The first one is of 25 soldiers relaxing
It says "Day Room of H&S Company 63ed Engineers
at Fort Lewis Washington in 1943"

The second photo is of 136 soldiers.
It was also taken at Fort Lewis Washington in 1943. They are holding a flag that says 63 HQ Engineers.

The third photo is of 142 soldiers.
It says "Company "E" 131 Engineers (c) Camp Shelby,Mississippi
June 20,1942.


Soldiers, Cooks and their Camp

56 Soldiers in uniform and holding their rifles, along with 3 cooks
posing in front of their teepee type tents and the rest of the camp.
At the bottom it reads "Battery "H" 251st CA (AA) C.N.G.
Capt. V. J. Brustkern, Cmdg., Ventura, California 1939"


A photo-postcard of 5 (Army?) cooks

Virgle Poulter is the only one named


Warsaw N.Y. Drum Corps 1888 - 1892
2 Drummer Vets

Charles Knight (50)
And E. A. Brininstool (55)
On a photo postcard from Chicago, Illinois

Three U. S. Army photos



3 Photos from WWII


George E. Crawford in uniform in a snapshot


George Reynolds in a snapshot


 Col. Jensen, Lt. Rohner, Lt. Smith and Major McAjgule in uniform in a snapshot


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If you would like to purchase the original photograph or a Hi-Rez scan,

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