Your  Ancestry  Photos

For best results, read about the site first.  But for a quick search, put "Your Ancestry Photos" in the Search Bar (in quotation marks) along

with the Surname you are interested in.       The places that name appears on all of these sites, will show at the bottom of the results.

Customer's Comments

Customer's Comments


Dear Robert,

A few years ago my cat knocked over and broke an old picture frame. Inside the frame I found some old family pictures along with

my mom's original birth certificate and adoption papers! My mother was put up for adoption after her mom passed away in

New Jersey in 1934. Knowing that her adoption was always a sad point in her life, I decided to research her family as a tribute to her. 

The photos you offered are my 3rd great grandparents and my 3rd great uncle.  This genealogy tribute to my Mom has actually

turned into more of an obsession at best!  Your picture hobby is kind of like my genealogy..... 

We put money into it, yet the rewards you can never gauge by monetary value.


I received the Palmer pictures yesterday. Words cannot describe how I felt when I opened the package. 

They were in the excellent condition that you said they were in! I am so grateful that there are people like you attempting

to place old photographs with their families.  If anyone is looking for them in the future, I am willing to make them a copy. 

I will make sure to keep an eye on your page for any other family members in the future.


I found your website by googling my ancestor’s name and where they lived. Your website came up on a list of results.

I didn't do anything for life got in the way. After suffering from a minor health issue that kept me out of work for a few days

I vowed I would find your website again and inquire about the pics. Doing these name searches has done me well over the

past few years. I have found some great cousins which I stay in touch with. I met one family at their annual family gathering.

I was grateful that I was warned that an elderly cousin resembled a picture I had shared of my sister! Yes this elderly lady

a second cousin once removed is the spitting image of my sister! They even like the same things. 

I would like to thank you once again for the lovely pictures, they mean a lot to me.

A record is one thing, but an actual photograph is a gem. 


Thank you so much!

Michele Hammell



The family photos arrived just fine. 

Already have found pictures of my

Grandmother and great-grandmother Millard,

along with what appears to be the old family farm.

What a Great find Robert.  Bravo! 

It's something that can live with the family for generations.


Thanks, Bernie Zylstra



I want to share a sweet story of success.

I believe that photos (especially the early portraits) are our connection to our ancestors.
Any remaining lost photos should be returned to the descendant
or researcher that will honor the subject of the photo.
My new friend Carol Pitman from Ohio, agrees and had
already collected and labeled over 500 family photographs.
She was gracious enough to sell me her entire collection.
She did not want to lose the photos but wanted them to go to a place
that will return them to the original families. Well, you found one Carol,

Last week, the first of the photos I got from her was claimed by a family researcher.
The photo was purchased and shipped to her and today I received this reply:

Good morning!
I received the picture of Alton yesterday afternoon.
Thank you so much!!
It's really in great shape for being almost 100 years old!
My cousin who is also working on our Hitchcock family line
is almost excited as I am to have the picture!
He can't wait to see it. He thinks that he may have another picture
of an Alton, but this photo will confirm the identity.
It would be great to be able to have a couple pictures of Alton so that he becomes more
of a real person to those of us who wouldn't have ever had the chance to meet him.

I am going to go buy a special frame for Alton's picture this weekend
so that he stays protected for ever now!
I have pictures of other relatives and ancestors that I have had on display
in my house from time to's time to get my gallery back up and going and add Alton to them!
I can't thank you enough for saving Alton from a landfill or a burn pile.
I know everyone in my family that is in the process of saving our heritage by doing genealogy will be forever grateful as well.
I will keep checking your site from time to time to see if you add any other pictures that could be my family.

I'm so excited about this!!!
Thank you again!!
Robin Moore

Well my pleasure Robin.
I love being part of the conduit for returning these images back home.
But this time I get to share the joy with Carol Pitman.
She is one of the people I like to call "The Rescuers".
They send me photos with surnames and I
forward them letters of thanks from the families that they have helped.

My response from Carol was:

You're living my dream, Bob.
This is what I had hoped to do (returning treasures to the families where they belong).
At least I get to enjoy the remarks since you're so wonderful to share them with me.
It does my heart good to see these photos "going back home".
You're making it happen, and the angels will smile down upon ya for it!

Thanks for those kind words Carol.
I don't get out as much as I used to and it sure helps to have people around the country
helping. If you would ever like to become "A Rescuer" my E-mail address is below. It is
a wonderful feeling to help people, as I am sure you know.



I got the Maiden/Married Photo of photo of Elizabeth Jane Scircle Orr and it came though the mail just fine.

My wife is a rural route mail carrier and they gave it to her at the station instead of delivering it.

As it turns out not only did I get to see my great great grandmother but we had several pictures

handed down though the family that she is we know who she is and it gives us

some clues as to the other people in the pictures! It just keeps getting better!

I am just delighted and grateful that you rescued her from the dust bins of history.

Thanks again for your stewardship of our heirlooms.

Scott Washburn


Hi, I just wanted to let you know that you have a wonderful site.
I have been looking for family photos.
Cheers, Dianne


Dear Bob,
The photos arrived today.
They are beautiful.
Thank you for packaging them so carefully.
The portrait of Roy Bonell is the only picture my husband has of his grandfather
whom he had never seen before.
What a wonderful gift to have them, thank you so very much.
With gratitude and best wishes,


Hi Bob,
Just wanted to thank you again
for my great grandfather's picture.
He's reunited with the rest
of the old family photos.
Sincere Thanks,
Susan Michaelis


Good Morning!
Oh, thank you so much for your candor about the photograph.
I was so hopeful! Especially with the unusual first name!
I found your site by typing the name of my ancestor into Google.
I had found info on my great great great uncle, which led
me to start googling his children. Its such an enjoyable
journey to learn about these ancestors!
I have scouted many flea markets, lawn sales, etc. through the years
and observed all the old photos. For a time I purchased old photos of
children because they were so neat, but recently scaled down and moved
to a new home and sold much of my collections.
I will follow your website!
Thank you so much for contacting me!
Shirley Bryant


We scored a hit! Thanks so much.
That's wonderful--I'll bet Katherine is Kemp's granddaughter.
Do you know where I can get in touch with Katherine?
Thank you,
Shirley K Lake


I think I will never make that connection.
I have tried for years.
I applaud what you do in reuniting old photo albums.
I see many of these albums and photos with
no names at all on them at my local antique shops.
It makes me sad that these wonderful old photos have no proper homes.
Nancy Coan


The album arrived on Thursday. Thank you very much.
The album and photos are great. Just wish more were identified.
I am working with some other people to see if we can
figure out who some of the others are.
Thanks again,


i just saw your pages.
that is sooo awesome!
i love that.
i use to buy old pics and hold onto
them cause it bothered me these people were once loved and now their photo
is forgotten. that is so awesome.
well, keep up the good work.
- shannon*wildman


Hi Bob
I commend you for what you are doing,
and I looked at your website
(didn't see my family there, unfortunately!).
Your website is so easy to maneuver, and searching is easy.
So many of these types of sites either the search feature
isn't working or they are so complicated
that they are difficult to figure out.

I almost cried when I read about the loss
of all of your family photos to the Hurricane.
That must have been so awful for you.
My husband found one of his family photos
one time at a little flea market we go to on
Wednesday mornings here. He was so excited.
It was a distant relative, but nonetheless, a family member.
We also found a billfold one time that had photos
in it and some funeral info about one branch of his family tree.

I've searched for years to try to find my family photos, but to no avail.
I'm thinking I never will, but I will keep checking updates.
As you probably know, the search never truly ends,
and that is what is fun about the hobby as a family historian.

Like I said, your website is great, and I'm glad
that it's getting noticed by so many other sites.
That will help people find you and therefore,
find their lost relatives.
Have a great day today!
Carol Pitman


It sounds to me like Family Photos
On-line is a noble effort on your part.
I, too, buy family albums if there are enough
names to help find those who come from that family line.
I have managed to get quite a few back into the family.
I do not have time to list the photos individually with my other sales.
I always hope that if some of the albums get to the right place
that even some of the unnamed people can be identified.
Thanks again,
Paul Oedewaldt


The relatives arrived in today's post.
The pack job was terrific and they arrived intact.
Thanks again for the transaction.
I am happy to have these photos of my ancestors and their families.
John Kuoni,
Allentown PA


Thank you very much for your assistance.
and for your information about the photograph.
Yes, that will help.
I still have not been able to find
anything else on H. H. Hansen.
Thanks again.
Kathy Niedergeses
Lawrence County Archives Director
& Lawrence Co. Historian in Leoma, TN


The pictures of Sam & SG Irwin
arrived in very good condition.
As to is he ours remains in question.
I will let you know.
Barry Baselner


Hi Bob!!
My mom and I are still researching,
it is an amazing picture, and it is very
possible that that is our John Weber.
We are almost positive.... but want
to do a little more research first.
It holds strong family resemblances
to other weber ancestors of that time!!
So we were soooo excited.
I will look over names and let you know
if we want any other scans.
Thanks so much for everything and putting
this piece of our puzzle together for us!!
April Daniel


Love what you're doing, Bob.
I will be listing other photos, some with names,
this week. I'm always looking for old photos,
especially those with names, so please check back.
Thanks again,
Linda @ shelbysfeet27


Thanks Bob, I will get in touch with her and
try to persuade her to share copies
(willing to buy them from her of course also).
You are providing a wonderful business service.
It breaks my heart to walk into a store
and find family photos for sale.
I usually want to adopt them.
Candace Carter-Green


Bob King,
I received my ordered photo of Oscar C. Benson
today, in excellent condition from the mailing.
Thank you for being so prompt in mailing
it to me. I compared the photo to one I have
of the whole Benson family (all nine children) and
looks to me like there is a family resemblance.
Thanks again for your help and the photo.
Janice Ricci


The family came in the mail today and I wanted
to thank you so much. What you are doing is wonderful,
you cannot know how many times I have wondered
who had all the old family photos, and what a shame
not to share them with family.

I am assuming the owner of the pictures has passed away.
I recognize the handwriting of the owner of these pictures.
Her name was Alice Weber who lived in Steele City, NE.
She was a close cousin of my Mothers and I corresponded
with Alice many time about the Steinlein family.
She was able to give me a lot of information. She did not
answer my last letter about a year ago so I assumed she
had passed away, but she had a clear memory right up to the last.

The photos arrived in perfect condition, there were
two my mother left me, the rest were new to me.
Once again, thank you
Sharon Todd


Hi bob,
I wish with all my heart I could claim those pictures but my Hoffmans
are from Ashland, Schuylkill County, Cornelius and Matilda Hoffman
and their children, Laura and Charles. I’ll keep looking and I hope you do too!
Thanks for the service you provide---what joy to find a member
of your family, and then to SEE them is a bonus!!!!
Happy Hunting!
Patti Knight


Received the photograph; it was in great condition.
The family resemblance of the photo I received from you,
to the photo I have of his daughter (my g grandmother)
is very strong. Same facial structure, nose, eyes, and ears.
I'm convinced the photo from you is my gg grandfather.
Thanks for doing what you do.
I would never have found and been able
to share this photograph otherwise.
Mike Dittoe


I as so glad that Icontacted you in regard
to this vintage family photo album.
My mother and grandmother believe this to be an album
with photos of our immigrant ancestors from Switzerland.
I am going to gift this album to my grandmother.
What a perfect gift this beautiful album will make.
What else do you get a 97 year old????
She certainly doesn't want anymore "stuff", lol.
The album will be super nice for her.
She will be so excited, but I think we just
might be more excited for her!
The album arrived just fine, thanks so much.
Thank you very much for your help with that.
If there is anything else that I can do to help with
your cause I would be happy to do so.
Kind regards,


That's really fantastic that you're getting photos back to their families.
I'm currently researching my husband's line (Schenck).
None of the names you listed show up yet in his tree,
but I'll check back to see if they do.
Bethany Primrose


That is such a shame that no one has claimed the
Wilkinson photos. That line is not mine but I
was willing to purchase it until I could find the line.
I descend from the Cincinnati OH Wilkinsons.
I admire your work and efforts in preserving pictures.
My uncle inherited the grandfathers house and
proceeded to burn all the many many boxes
of pictures for he didn't know who they were.
I wish he hadn't told me that.
J. Denise Wilkinson Underhill
p.s. On ebay, I found my cousin's family
posted for sale...she didn't know her
relatives had sold all their heirlooms! I think it is wonderful in what your doing.
I hope the collection stay intact with this family.
I do know that their is a Botsford hospital in Michigan
and I think these photos were part of that family.
I do have others and they will be listed on ebay soon.
- lprjude


I am going to round up all the old photos I have of people,
you look like you have a great service for people, happy to help.
You'll get an envelope from me, just pass on the kindness.
Glad to sell to you and glad I found someone
who can use my wonderful old photos!
Give me a few days...
MAKE IT a great Saturday,
- sellingstuff54


Hi Bob,
Thanks for your message and nice feedback comments,
I will do the same for you in just a few minutes.
I'm glad you like the album and you do a great service for reuniting folks with their ancestors!
As for any info I have on the album, would be whatever might be written
on the backs of the photos or the names of the photographer's studios.
Wish I could be more helpful!
Again many thanks,
Carmel Healy
- swissgulch


Dear Bob,
Thank you so much for trading family albums with me.
Arizona is a bit of a drive although I have always wanted to get there.
It is on my "Bucket List". But for now I will trust the mail.
I will box up my album and get it mailed to you.
Will be in touch soon.
I told my husband about the album.
He is not into genealogy as much as I am,
but he respects all the work that I have done on his family.

This will be such a wonderful thing to have and pass down to our children.
Many thanks!!!
Barbara E. Bittinger


Mr. King,
The C.D. arrived here today it is really great.
They will give me ideas of those from the past
as several are direct line relatives.
Thanks so much,
I will be watching for other pictures that will
tie in to mine or my husbands family.
Deborah White


Thanks so much Mr. King!!
I'm so glad you offer this service to those of us searching for ancestors.
I will put a check in the mail today.
Carole Schenck


Hi Bob,
Agnes arrived today. Thank you so much.
Elora is relatively close to Shannon ancestors of mine.


This album came from the estate of Dorothy Wolcott.
Apparently she originally was from Ohio but was a world traveler.
What a great thoughtful task you are attempting.
My grandfather had sacks of family photos in the attic
but since I am not from here, I don't know to whom
they should be returned.
Belinda & David Hogan (eBay Sellers)


I think it is wonderful in what your doing.
I hope this collection will stay intact with this family.
I do have others and they will be listed on ebay soon.
Johnny (eBay Seller )


Dear Mr. King,
My son just called and told me that you
have found a picture of my father and uncle.
I was so excited to hear that, as I only have
one picture of them as (4 year old) children.
I think it is a wonderful project you are doing
reuniting people with their loved ones!
Thank you sincerely,
Donna Carpenter


The photos arrived today. Thank you.
The photos were quite nice.
It is interesting to see what my ancestors looked like.
I'll get them framed.
Lori Goodnight


Dear Robert,
The pictures arrived quickly.
You know, it is the strangest thing but the picture of my Aunt Esther
looks very much like a picture of myself when I was younger.
I have never looked like anyone in my family
but I look like the child my Aunt never had.
So I am really pleased to have these pictures.
Aunt Esther passed away in 1938 and I was born in 1955 so I never knew her.
But this absolutely confims that these are of my family because Esther
had polio and was left unable to walk.
Which is why she was in a wheelchair in these photos.
Although with those names, there was no doubt in the first place.
Thanks alot,
Melinda Fulwood


Hello Robert,
It was nice of you to introduce me to Chris.
I in turn contacted Bruce Wightman who you have already contacted.
Small world isn't it.
I live in Westfield New Brunswick Canada,
Chris is in England and Bruce is on the West coast.
Don't you just love computers.
I really appreciate you sending me your website.
I will keep you site hoping that you may find some of my Browns.
Your project is big and I think it is wonderful.
Thanks once again,
Carol Brown Parker


Hi Bob.
I found your website has listed the surname of ?Bell?.
You are doing a wonderful thing,
God Bless you and Thank You very much.
Jeanne Zaks


The tintype of Alonzo looks great!
I am very pleased with it as the penciling is quite authentic.
I am quite happy to have it - thank you very much.
The photo is of Alonzo W. Bickford, (1830-1911) born in Maine,
he took off in the early 1860s and ended up in Hammond, Louisiana.
Not that any of this means anything to you.
But I have a photo of him at about 80 years old.
He has white hair and a beard by then but judging from his hairline
and other facial features, it is surely a match .
Anyway, thank for rescuing this photo.
I will feature it in the very next issue of our Bickford Newsletter.
my best,
Mahlon Bickford


Hi Robert,
I belong to a BELT Research Team who are distantly related
to me and I have been able to share the photos with them.
Of course, all being addicted genealogists, they enjoy them!
But in the end, even if no one else enjoyed them--I do!
I can place many of these people in a 50th wedding anniversary photo of my
great-great-grandparents and another of the 50th of my great-grandparents.
Bye for now,


Bless you for what you are doing.


The photos are now in my hands....great shots.
I had to ask the post office as to where they might be.
I was so eagerly awaiting them!
Now I will add them to my Mayhew/Light family binder.
Thanks Bob
Have a great day in Arizona.
Paul Gilbert


Just found your site, what a great idea!
I'm glad you're doing it.


I scanned both sides of the card and sent JPGs to three
musical acquaintances who were well aware of "Cub Berdan".
I'm sure that's really him.
Since Cub played dances in Northville during the 1870's I felt
that the photo-card should be in the library's Local History Collection.
I would have been satisfied with merely a scan of it,
but it's so nice to have the original.
I would be willing to send a scan to anyone who wished to have one.
Al Smitley
Northville District Library


I saw your website and all I can say is "bless your heart"
for collecting pictures to find the owners.
I have done the same and it is so rewarding to find someone
who is looking for these objects.
I will surely say a pray that there might be some pictures of our family.
DeLories Robinson Vaughn


The photo arrived just fine.
I appreciate your sending a picture of the page in which it resided, also.
I am not positive but I think Ed Morehouse may be a brother
to my great grandfather but I'm still working on it.
Thank you.
Adria Shearing


Dear Mr. King,
Greetings! I received the photograph of Rachel Maurer from Spencer, IA today.
It looks great! I cannot wait to share it with my cousin.
You provide a terrific service, helping people find their lost ancestral photographs!
Best wishes,
Charlie Keasler


Dear Bob,
I just wanted to thank you for all the work and effort you have clearly
put into finding the people related to those in the photos.
Bob, you are a gem and are likely going to make someone's whole day.


I received the photo of Mary Cuyle today.
Sure looks like the later photo I have of her!
Judy Cuyle


Hello and bless you, I try to do the same thing with old pictures.
These pictures are of my Great-Great grandmothers brother.
Most of the pictures that were taken in the London Mills area
where my GGgrandmother raised her family.
My mother came to an antique sale there and tried to buy
many of these pictures, but couldn't get them all.
If you don't get a "closer kin" to claim them I would be most proud
to have them. I have been a genealogist many years
and it is such a thrill to see what out ancestors really look like.
I will await your reply.


Hi Bob,
Thank you so much for sending the album so quickly!
It arrived today, in fact, in very good condition..
We love it. The pictures are amazingly clear and it is
wonderful to have so many of the people identified.
In these photos, my father?s grandparents are much younger than in the
other photos we have, but it is clear that they are the same people.
Such a treasure! My family and I thank you.
Maybe we will find ourselves interested in doing some
genealogy for my father?s side of the family.
We don?t know much about them,
but this should definitely help.
Thanks again!
Mary Lilga


Bob King,
The album arrived today and what a beautiful thing it is.
The photos are in such good shape and so clear.
It is everthing you said it was. Thank you for keeping it
in one piece and putting it on-line. I will certainly treasure
this family heirloom. Tonight I will take the album to show
my parents and I know they will be so excited.
My ancestors thank you also.


Many thanks, Mr. King--this is a great addition to my collection
which includes W. A. Tade's Civil War sword, belt buckle and
handwritten quartermaster records from his CW service.
This photo is much older than others I have and the only one
of my grandfather Howard Tade as a child. I am very pleased
and will scan it and share with family.
Best wishes,
Mark Tade


Mr. King,
The Cochran photos arrived today in the same condition
which you sent them (excellent!). Thanks very much for
your prompt service. I appreciate very much that you
are in this business. I located you from a Google search
of mr GrGrGreatgrandfather's name. I certainly hope I
can use your service again.
Tom Castro


You are the greatest!!! Having these photos
is like having ten christmas' in a row!!
Thank you so much! Larry my L.D.S. friend
was shocked. He said that my this is going
to advance my family tree and make it look great!
This is going to be wonderful!!
Thank you, thank you so much, if there is anything I can do for you just tell me.
Vic Nelson


I was very glad that you found such an unexpected gem
of a picture. Thank you for sending it to me so promptly!
Scott Maid


Dear Bob,
I would like to thank you for the wonderful thing
you are doing with the lost family pictures.
Unfortunately, there aren't any pictures of my ancestors,
but I will check back often, since you seem to get more and more every day.
Thank you once again,
Virginia Blinn


Thanks to your help, I bought the photos from Nancy Lanni.
She just moved to Texas so mailed them from there. If I had
waited much later I might never have found her!
Thank you so much for your help with that...

There was a picture of John Oaks in that group. My maiden name
is Oaks and John was my ggggrandfather. That was the only picture
of a direct line ancestor and it was fun to see the family resemblences.
Thanks to the writing on the back of the photo, I just found 2 more
generations back in the Fonda Archives in Montgomery Co. For 20 yrs.,
I had been looking for Oaks and could never find anyone beyond John.
Thanks again,
Penny Poland


Well, Mr. King,
I am amazed. This Louise Fox, that I got from you, is my grandmother.
And the Cayces were good friends of the family.
Thank you very much for collecting this for my family.
I will be emailing a copy of Louise's picture to my family and cousins.
They will love it!
And I will search for Cayce descendants
and if found, will be happy to share with them.
Marie Lawrence


Thanks Bob,
You provide a great service.
John Grerory


Hello Bob,
I just wanted to take a second and thank you for your website. It's
terribly kind of you to do this for all those lost ancestors out there.
I have always felt so sad for the people whose pictures are in the
frames being sold at auctions and yard sales. No one to remember
them, sold for the frames around them.
All the best of luck to you in hopes
that these people find their way home.
Natalie Ward


Hi Bob,
The Good Reverend made it home, safe and sound.
Thanks again,
Danny Hall


Dear Mr. King:
I received the photos in today's mail and thank you so much.
They will be loved and guarded by the descendents
of Cornealius Wood for years to come.
Mary Anne Anderson


Dear Mr. King,
The photo arrived yesterday in excellent condition.
I purchased it for my sister who happens to be named Sarah Gaskill.
We will be looking for any info that might help me identify which particular Sarah Gaskill is in the photo.
Thanks again for being so enterprising and providing a great service.
Harold Gaskill


Hello and Bless You,
I would be most proud to be able to claim any of the photos on your wonderful site. I have been a genealogist many years and it is such a thrill to see what out ancestors really look like.


The Kobler pictures are simply wonderful.
They arrived safe and sound.
The whole extended family wants to see them.
Diane Dearborn


Hi Bob,
I thought such a kind thought deserved a thank you even though
I can't claim the Sparrow's mentioned. I do hope you manage to find the rightful
owner(s), it is a such pity when photos get parted from their original family.
As a nee Sparrow from Ipswich/Cambridge area in England I know how delighted
I would be if an unexpected photo turned up. Meanwhile will press on and build up
a personal picture of the ancestors, warts and all in some cases!!
Good Luck Cheers Betty


Thanks for going that "extra mile" and setting up the site.
Sally Rolls Pivia


Thanks Robert,
The Abel's on your site are not our Abel's. Mine are from Ny to Michigan. Sorry to bother you, but that was so kind of you to do all that research for me. You never know where you are going to find good info and photos. Thanks again for your time.
Judy Looney
PS: I will checking back to your site though.


The photos of Rev. James Cameron and Emma S Cameron arrived today.
You don't know how thrilled I am to see them. I know I was awfully eager to receive them.
You're right, the writing on the back is really something! It was great they included
a birthdate and the date one of the photos was taken. Tomorrow, I am going to go out
and make photo copies of them, then package the originals back up and send them on
down to San Bernardino First Presbyterian Church. Rev. Cameron started their church
there in the 1870s, so these photos are right up there in church history importance, along
with their cornerstone. They don't know anything about the existence of these photos, and
I want to totally surprise them. I can't wait until they see them! I expect Suzie will receive
them by Saturday, so when I hear back, I'll let you know what they say ...
but I can just about imagine it will be close to pandemonium there.

I can tell you, I personally felt a Divine presence
when I first stumbled upon them on your webpage
and again tonight, when I opened the package and saw them for the first time.
Bob, thank you again, for locating these photos and making them available.
Right now I am on cloud nine ... actually pretty close to heaven ... and am
thrilled they will finally be back with their church family.
Most sincerely,
Dorothy De Mare


Thanks for sending us the address of the rescuer of the Page Family photo album.
We are second cousins unknown to each other until just now,
and would never have found each other if your album had not connected us.
You should feel really good about what you are doing to connect families.

Stevia Shaw
Denver, CO


Thank you, so much. I just recieved the picture of our
great, great, great aunt Anna Bendeict and we are so happy with it .
We are amazed at the resemblence to our children
even after all of these generations have passed.
You should be proud of the work you are doing.
Thanks again,
Sue Myers
Indianapolis, IN


Hello Mr. King,
Today I was just surfing through RootsWeb and thought I would
check to see if there was anything new there re. my Tye ties.
Then, there it was, your notice last Dec. about having the Tye
album you had purchased in Prescott, Az.
I am so pleased that you do what you can to help
families reunite with their relatives and these albums.
It is a great idea and I am sure it will make many others as happy as I am.

I see now that you since have sold the album to Mr. Hulme and I have
sent him an email today about getting some copies of our family pictures.

This album was kept by Mrs. Lois Rye, my aunt, in her home
and was part of the legacy she was keeping for her family.
She just passed away in Feb.of this year at just short of her 100th birthday.
Mrs.Rye had no children so I guess the album had been sold in an estate sale to
the antique shop where you found it. I was afraid it had found it's way to the trash.
I was really upset. I was wondering who could or would have sold such private, family things
but I guess they thought and knew they would bring some money somewhere.

Over the years, I had looked through this album many times, since I was working on our
family geneology I had in mind to put copies of these old photos in with the records.
I just had never had them copied and didn't have a computer when we lived close together.
I never dreamed they would disappear but then I never dreamed they would be found
and we would have a chance to get them again either.

I just wanted to encourage you to keep up the nice work you are doing.

Thank you so very much.

Lois Eggers



Walter arrived today in good shape!
He was very well wrapped for shipping.
I appreciate your website, in helping me to find my great-grandfather!
The family resemblence is apparent and I know now where my grandfather got his chin!
Thank you again for your help.
I will definitely recommend your website to those who are searching for relatives.

Stephanie Allen


Dear Mr. King:

I think what you are doing is wonderful!
I have often looked at pictures at antique shows and flea
markets and wondered where all those pictures came from.
And I always felt a little sad to see them languishing in a musty box.
How admirable that you have decided to try to return old photographs to their rightful owners.
Even though none of my ancestors names appear in your message,
I just had to commend you for your gracious and generous attempt
to do something to help those who are trying to trace their families.
Please accept an e-mail pat on the back!

Meg Campbell Tharp


Hi Bob,

I did not recognize any of the names that you had mentioned,
but I think it is wonderful that you have taken on this task.
I too have often wondered who the faces in the photos belong to.
Keep up the great work!

Jill Yonker


Hello Bob:
Just wanted you to know that the TYE Photo Album was everything you said it was.
Over a dozen sets of copies of the pictures have been forwarded to TYE
researchers and between all of us I think we will be able to confirm identities.

Bob I have to apologize for being so skeptical of your offer.
There are just so many "great deals" that turn out to be nothing.
Anyway, you can use my name and e-mail address as a reference.

Garry Hulme


Anna Holzknecht arrived just fine and she is busy visiting with her cousins : -)

Fawn DePuy


I just wanted to commend you for the wonderful work that you are doing with this!
Only a dedicated genealogist and a fellow with a good heart would be willing to maintain such an endeavor.
Thanks again,
Brenda Whitfield
President and Research Chair
Tishomingo County (Mississippi) Historical and Genealogical Society


I am delighted with this content, Bob... and do thank you very
much for spending your time retrieving other's treasures. That
was a nice touch for George to get the 1865 family photo album.
It will certainly top off the good information that he has shared
about the family research he has done. Thanks for being our "middle man".
again thanks,


I just tried calling my Mom & Dad and my Aunt, and no one is home.
I was desperate to talk to someone who would appreciate my news....
and then I thought of you.
I received in today's mail a letter from my Great Aunt Ruby who will soon
be 94. I mailed her a copy of the tintype of Cash Bohner that I got from you.
She said that it was a photo of her mother's father. So my investment wasn't in
vain. I actually have a photo of my great, great grandfather thanks to you.
Pat yourself on the back dear friend. Good job!
Debbie Ashline


Subject: Michigan's Orphan Artifacts
WOW, I will add the info you sent.
It's people like you who do wonders for the hobby of genealogy.
Dennis Zank


I found your site through one of the genealogy maillists and came to have a look.
Unfortunately, I found none of my family names in your list. But, this is a
wonderful idea you have had here and I will be checking back now and then.
I was most impressed however when I found that you had a "pre-stardom" photo
of Noah Beery and withstood the offers of collectors and celebrity-hounds to see
that the photo was returned to his family instead. I am sure some of those offers
were substantial, which makes your efforts all the more commendable.
Thank you for your efforts reuniting these photographs with their families.
Most of all, however, we are all blessed by your Christian heart.
God bless
Emile Clede


Dear Bob,
The photos just arrived. What can I say?
Just another very satisfied "customer,"
that is what I am!
Both the photos were simply magnificent,
and arrived in tiptop shape!
You have done me an immeasurable service.
Vincent Summers


I can tell that you take pride in this crusade of yours,
as well you should.
Thanks again.
Debbie Ashline


Thank you for your services of distributing old photos.
I am more that willing to pay any reasonable amount for goods or services.
Your fee for photos is very obviously a nominal amount and not a profit
motivated price. If anyone truly believes it is too profit oriented,
they have a serious lack of business experience.
Good luck. I hope I find a relative of mine in your collection one day.
Gordon Harper in Anchorage


Keep up the good work, Bob.
I for one, appreciate your efforts.
Carol Robertson


Dear Mr. King,
For the last two years I have been returning pictures to their roots.
I have received many wonderful letters of thanks.
Some of my relatives have even passed on pictures of people that are not related,
but were friends to my parents. What a joy.
I did not know that anyone had taken it on as a mission!
What a great person you are.
Thank you for the message,


Great idea you have there and good help for genealogists.
Web site looks good.


Even though none of the photos are relatives,
I still wanted to take the time to say " Thanks ".
If the world had more Bob's it would be a much nicer place.
Thanks for being thoughtful.
Steve Haag


Thanks for the Civil War photograph of my ancestor.
It arrived today. It's in pretty good condition for being so old.
I'm glad you rescued it.
Cheryle Rappe


I was amazed to discover your web pages and think that your mission is admirable.
I have printed out your mailing address and will be on the look out for pictures
who need to find the right home. Bless you for these good works.
I know how precious these old photos are.


Keep up the good work.
Rose Deal


I would be thrilled to pieces to 'buy' an original old photo of my grgrgrandpappy.
And for $20 to $30, considering I would actually have a nice and/or decent
picture, I would snatch it up. I would be so excited to have an original, that I would
be willing to spend the money. Yep, I would gladly pay someone for their 'footwork"!


Hello Bob:
I think that you are doing an admirable thing,
and would love to help you out.
Scott P Craig


Hi Bob,
I am so glad that I stumbled upon your wonderful web page.
You have put so much work and effort into making others happy!
God Bless you! My photos arrived, safe and sound.
I admit I started crying at the wonder of being able to finally
stare into the face of people I have been researching.
I feel I learned more about them from the first glace then
I did in years of finding out the cold hard facts.

Thank you so very much,


Dear Bob
What a WONDERFUL site.
I have just found it and have not searched it thoroughly yet, but it is top priority.
I think you are a very generous person for doing this.
All of us that do hours of research for our family history need people like you!!
Keep us the great work and please know that you are appreciated.
God Bless


Loved your pictures.
Used it for homework on Civil War history



None of the photos are of my Chapmans, but I just wanted to write you and tell you
that your hobby {obsession?) deserves praise. I, too,have noticed the destruction
of family memories by uncaring folk who presumably would "sell their birthright for
a mess of pottage" to quote from a story in the book of Genesis.
Please accept thanks from a total stranger.
Bob Casebeer, Oregon


What a wonderful service you are doing !!! I think you should do this AND make
some money on your idea ! Besides your time is money!!!
Good Luck!
Jan Davis


I just wanted to say Thank You for what you are doing. I'll keep your website in my
favorites in the event you add more.[I do weekly] You are doing a great
service and I, for one, appreciate your hard work.
Sue Adkins Martin


Your website is wonderful! I wanted to let you
know I think it is a great thing you are doing.
Thank you so much,
Judy in California


You did a wonderful thing, even tho none of these are my husband's family,
Many THANKS! You will be blessed, what goes around comes back even more...
Florence Harrell Moore


Thanks for the Website
Just saw your website with names/photos.
Now I know what I need to do.
It has always saddened me to see photos in a store or garage sale..
..So now, like you, I need to buy them and
publish the names/places on a site & get them into loving hands...
Thanks for the idea & for returning them
to those who would care for them.
D. Robinson


I have to say that I really appreciate what you are doing.
I've also been questioned online for doing what I would love
for someone else to do for me, so I know how you feel.
I also appreciate the fact that your frustration has led you
to do positive things for the "little people" who can't go up against
those who take financial advantage of us genealogy hobbyists.
So I want to tell you thanks,
Take care,
Doni Barnes


Hello Bob,
I just came from your site! Nice job!
This summer I started doing the same thing..
..rescuing family history items. I love it!
Thanks for your time. Awaiting your reply!
Floa Swisher


I visited your site, which offers to reunite
old photos with their respecitve families.
This is a good work you are doing.
Keep it up!
Virginia Flesher


I had to take a minute to express my admiration
to you for all the time and effort you are putting into trying
to reunite these items with their "rightful" owners.
My hat is off to you.... stars in your crown for sure!
Best wishes....
Carol Goodson
Carrollton GA


Thanks so much for your site.
Evidently, we are moved by the same feelings..
..something I can't describe..
..something beyond words....
One day, I saw a pile of photos in an antique mall
and it's just like something or someone tapped me on the head and said
"These needs to be saved.. should be the one to do it..."
It was very moving to me and I have been at it ever since.
Your site is nicely done.
Best wishes to you!
Eric Nagle from Ford & Nagle


Good afternoon Bob:
I just found your website and am very touched by your "rescue mission"
of family treasures. I have always been fascinated by old photos and tombstones.
My parents were very history oriented. Once I found a whole stack
of old photos in a trash barrel outside a country store.
I was 8 years old and totally fascinated with the sepias but
the tin-types were always my favorites.
I will always be thankful for the sense of family
and curiosity about others that my parents instilled in me.
Thank you for helping to take care of those
lost treasures and reuniting them with their families.
Thank you for taking time to read this.
I just wanted you to know.
Best Regards,
Karen K. Nelson


Hi Bob, I just had to say that it sure is nice
of you to share your photos with others!


You now have a new admirer.
With regards,
Stan Barnhill


OH MY GOSH!! Your webpage is fantastic!
That picture of the photos albums is great.
But then I clicked on the "Click Here" and I saw all of
the pictures you have listed. Geez...its really, really cool!
I think that if this page could get out, to more people, I bet tons of them would
be interested in seeing this and maybe purchasing or contributing photos.
You are so nice to do charity work like this!
I never realized that anyone was doing this with family photos.
I think its VERY cool and I'd like to help!

"Jennifer J. Bartos"

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